奈良橋 陽子さんコメント
"First, vowels are important when speaking as they really open up your mouth especially for Japanese speakers who tend to keep speaking more locked in their mouths – keeping the mouth closed makes the sounds more monotonous and colorless. With GORIL practice, we can put more emphasis on pushing out the vowels so that whatever the actor feels, can be communicated emotionally as well. In this way, practice is connected totally with the heart and body so that the actor or speaker OWNS the language and is much more expressive and clear. "
"English as compared to Japanese has more rhythm, defined more with contrast of up and down pitches (mountains and valleys) . This dynamic occurs as there are stressed words or phrases and those which are not. For example, a sentence like “I want to go to New York! can be stressed differently depending on the situation. In acting, even though the same line can be spoken very simply, depending on what the actor is feeling, we can also get into finer expressions. "
“In Japan, English tends to be taught like a science, where emphasis is on the use of your mind (or head) rather than your whole self. For example if you were taught how to ride a bicycle with an oral explanation, you still would not be able to ride it. Whereas if you use your whole body to actually try to ride it, then you learn and your body remembers (the muscle memory) or the emotional joy of riding it. This is the same as learning a language or acting. Rather than just repeating lines to practice or memorize, (practicing lines technically) actors find a purpose to speak and because it is a strong purpose, they find the best way to say it in that moment. It will be slightly different each time. It is total involvement when spoken in this way with the whole body and heart and soul. And as the main intention of the speaker is to have the other listen or get his attention, then communication is born – for isn’t this the meaning of language ? "
“GORIL is a unique digital app in that it does not approach language learning mechanically but incorporates the human aspect of the heart wanting to speak the language, thus affecting the technical so that the app will recognize the desire to speak in the learner and encourage it. And so our collaboration is unique yet the most rewarding. "

奈良橋 陽子
英会話スタジオMLS会長、企画制作会社UPS社長、俳優養成所アップス・アカデミー芸術監督、Model Production(東京学生英語劇連盟)GM。